Nordic Open Source Initiative – NOSIN

Nordic Open Source Initiative – NOSIN
Chairman Finland
Attendees Denmark, SDFE
Norway, Kartverket
Sweden, Lantmäteriet
Finland, Maanmittauslaitos
Iceland, LMÍ
Purpose of the group 1.     On behalf of the Executive working group “Development and IT”, carry out given relevant tasks and subsequently report back progress and results.
2.     To jointly evaluate, develop and configure open source software solutions for national and for INSPIRE spatial data infrastructures in participating countries.
3.     Share technical knowledge and experience on SDI´s and form common Nordic viewpoints and strategies on these issues as input to our participation in the INSPIRE MIG working groups.

Tasks for 2019

Deliver a documented and working pilot on WFS 3.0 and Linked Open Data within November 2019
Future strategic tasks  2- 3 years view Develop and increase Nordic strategic cooperation within this field.